Thailand’s Department of Lands issued a circular letter clarifying that the use of units in condominium buildings for hotel business operations is not allowed on 6 November 2023. The Circular Letter No. Mor Tor 0517.3/Wor 23302 was sent to all provincial governors in Thailand, explanting that even though the Condominium Act (No. 4) B.E. 2551 (2008) allows some condominium units to be used for commercial operations purposes, the term “commercial operations” does not include hotel business operations. The purpose of Condominium Act is to guard safely of the rights of condominium unit owners for residential purposes rather than for the purpose of commercial or hotel business operations.
泰國土地局發布通函,澄清自2023 年11 月6 日起,禁止將公寓大樓單位用於營運酒店業務。該函編號Mor Tor 0517.3/Wor 23302 已發送給泰國所有省長,解釋儘管佛曆2551年(2008)《公寓法》(第 4 號)允許一些公寓單位可以用於商業運營目的,“商業運營”一詞不包括營運酒店業務。《公寓法》的目的是安全地保護公寓單位業主用於住宅目的而不是用於商業或酒店業務運營的權利。
Reference of the Council of State No. 710/2550 is included in the circular letter, which indicates that commercial operations allowed under the Condominium Act are the ones providing services to the co-owners of a condominium building (e.g., convenience stores and restaurants) and further specifies that these commercial condominium unit areas must have separate exits and entrances that does not disturb the residents of the condominium building.
該函提到國務委員會第 710/2550 號,這表明《公寓法》允許的商業運營是指為公寓大樓的共有人提供服務的商業運營(例如便利商店和餐館)並進一步規定,這些商業公寓單元區域必須有獨立的出口和入口,以免干擾公寓大樓的居民。
Under this situation, using a condominium building for hotel business operations is not permissible, no matter whether consent is obtained from the co-owners of the condominium building or whether the condominium building’s purpose is changed from residential to hotel purposes.
In conclusion, it is prohibited to use condominium building for hotel business operations, the owner of the building has to cancel the condominium building’s registration first under the Condominium Act so that it is no longer regarded as a condominium building. Then the premises can be used for hotel business operations, so the building and business operator would comply with the requirements under the hotel law and other relevant laws and regulations.