The core value of copyright is to provide exclusive rights of the creators’ copyright works. In Thailand, copyright is governed under Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994) and it has been amended several times. The latest version is Copyright Act (No. 4) B.E. 2561 (2018), which was published on November 11, 2018 and has been effective since March 11, 2019. The law stated the requirements and conditions for reproduction, adaptation, and availability of copyrighted works to the disabled to be exempted from copyright infringement[1].

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[1] Section 32/4. Any of the following acts done by an authorized or recognized entity for the benefit of persons with disabilities who are unable to access copyright works by virtue of this Act due to their impairment in vision, hearing, mobility, intelligence or learning or other impairments as prescribed by the Minister in the Government Gazette shall not be deemed an infringement of copyright, provided that the purpose of such act is not for profit and Section 32 paragraph one is complied with: (1) reproduction or adaptation of a copyright work which has already been published or communicated to the public and has been legally obtained;