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Criteria for Personal Data Deletion, Destruction, and De-identification is Published in Thailand 泰國發布個人資料刪除、銷毀和去識別化標準

Kit Amatyakul

On 14 June 2024, the Personal Data Protection Committee (“PDPC”) in Thailand released a draft notification for public consultation on criteria for deletion or destruction of personal data or de-identifying personal data.

2024 年 6 月 14 日,泰國個人資料保護委員會(“PDPC”)發布關於刪除或銷毀個人資料或去識別個人資料的標準的公眾諮詢通知草案。


The PDPC said that the draft notification is set to clarify the criteria for the application of Section 33 of Thai Personal Data Protection Act 2019 (PDPA) regarding the right to request that the data controller to delete, destroy, or de-identify personal data. Data subject can request data controller to delete, destroy, or de-identify his/her personal data in any of the following circumstances:

PDPC 表示,該通知草案旨在澄清《2019 年泰國個人資料保護法》(PDPA) 第 33 條關於要求資料控制者刪除、銷毀或去識別個人資料的權利的適用標準。如有下列情形之一,資料主體可以請求資料控制者刪除、銷毀或去識別化其個人資料:


Ø  the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, used, or disclosed;


Ø  the data subject has withdrawn the consent for the processing of the personal data, and no other lawful basis for processing remains;


Ø  the data subject has objected to the processing of his/her personal data on grounds of legitimate interests or official tasks, the data controller has no other compelling grounds to refuse the request, and the data is not needed for legal claims;


Ø  the data subject objects to the processing of his/her personal data for direct marketing purposes;


Ø  the processing of personal data is unlawful.



The request to delete, destroy, or de-identify personal data must be processed without delay but not later than 60 days from the date of receipt of the request which must be carried out to cover copies or backups of personal data (if any). It must be ensured that no one can do so. By any means that could reasonably be expected to restore personal information or reverse it. Be able to identify the person who owns personal data, whether directly or indirectly. If the data controller cannot fulfill the request immediately, the controller must put in place in organizational, technical, and physical measures to ensure that the personal information:

刪除、銷毀或去識別個人資料的請求必須立即處理,但不得遲於收到請求之日起 60 天,必須執行該請求以涵蓋副本或個人資料(如果有)的備份必須進行,並且必須確保沒有人可以這樣做。以任何可以合理預期的方式。透過任何可以合理預期恢復或逆轉個人資訊的方式。能夠識別直接或間接擁有個人資料的人。如果資料控制者無法立即滿足請求,控制者必須採取組織、技術和實體措施,以確保個人資訊:

Ø  will not be accessed, used, or disclosed by the data controller or anyone else, even if it is still available;


Ø  cannot be used by the data controller to provide services, influence decisions, or take any action regarding the owner of the personal data;


Ø  is protected appropriately according to the level of risk;


Ø  if deletion, destruction, or de-identification is not possible due to technical reasons, the data controller must justify and document these reasons. For example, in the case of deletion or destruction or make personal data non-identifiable to the owner, personal information is available. It may have a similar negative impact on the personal data of others.



In certain conditions, data controller may choose to de-identify or anonymize personal data, rather than delete or destroy it. The data controller must satisfy the following criteria:


Ø  erase any direct identifiers of the owner of personal data, including name, national identification numbers, telephone number, pictures, biometric data and any other information that is personal to an individual and allows them to be identified;


Ø  ensure that the owner of personal data cannot be re-identified by keeping the information at a low level, using pseudonymization, or providing indirect identifiers;


Ø  consider the technological factors, context, environment, and the nature or type of personal information concerned.



The draft notification also confirmed that the data controllers cannot legally refuse deletion, destruction, or de-identification requests and must notify the owner of the personal data that the request has been carried out.


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