To control COVID-19, government of Thailand last month announced the enact of Electronic Meeting Law based on Emergency Decree on Electronic Meeting, B.E. 2563 (2020). The aim of this law is to prevent people to gather together to attend meetings. Therefore, from now on, a company is able to hold its directors and shareholders’ meeting via electronic devices, which is electronic meeting[1].
為了控制新型冠狀病毒,泰國政府上個月宣布制定《泰國數位會議法》並即刻生效;此法的提案是基於佛曆2563年 (2020)《數位會議緊急命令》,目的是減少大家集會的機會。故即日起,公司董事及股東會議可以利用數位裝置進行,為數位會議。
#泰國數位會議法 #數位會議緊急命令 #泰國律師 #台灣律師 #泰國律師事務所 #泰國法律 #泰國會計師 #泰國會計師事務所 #IBC泰國法律金融會計事務所 #泰國中文律師 #electronicmeetinglaw #EmergencyDecreeonElectronicMeeting #thailawyer #taiwanlawyer #thailawfirm #thailaw #thaiaccountant #thaiaccountingfirm #IBCfirm
[1] Based on section 4 of Emergency Decree On Electronic Meeting, “electronic meeting” means a meeting that is required to be held by law and has been conducted through electronic means, in respect of which the attendees are not present at the same place and the consultation, discussion and expression of opinions among them are enabled through electronic means.