Company Registration Requirements
1. At least 3 natural persons as promoters (initial shareholders). Three shareholders are required at all times throughout company operation. It is to be understood that not just anyone can be a promoter. The minimum requirement is that a promoter must, at least, be twenty-one year old who can legally act on behalf of the company. Usually, promoters hold an equal share of the company. It is only after registration of the company that promoters’ shares can be transferred to others.
至少3名自然人作為發起人(原始股東)。整個公司運營過程中需要3名股東。應可理解並非任何人都可以成為發起人。最低要求為發起人必須至少年滿 21 歲、能夠合法代表公司行事。通常發起人持有公司的同等股份。公司註冊後發起人的股份才能轉讓給他人。
2. Head office located in Thailand along with a copy of house registration (Tabien Baan) number and Letter of Consent obtained from the landlord.
位於泰國的總部以及從房東獲得的房屋登記 (Tabien Baan)號碼和同意書的影本。
3. Minimum registered capitalization of 2 million THB for foreign businesses operating non-restricted businesses and 3 million THB for restricted businesses under the Foreign Business Act. Thai-owned companies, not subject to such requirements (but will need to meet financial requirements to support a work permit for a foreign worker).
根據《外人商業法》,非受限外國企業的最低註冊資本為 200 萬泰銖,受限企業的最低註冊資本為 300 萬泰銖。泰國投資公司不受此類要求規定(但需要滿足財務要求以支持外國工人的工作許可)。
4. Memorandum of association to be filed with the application.
5. Statutory meeting has to have been convened.
6. Letter of Certification from the bank to certify the adequacy of funds in the Thai shareholder’s personal bank account where Thai shareholders will be amongst foreign shareholders.
7. All shareholders/initial promoters and directors will be required to sign part of the application documents in Thailand.
For company registration online, you have to register for e-Registration account to file company details and submit documents.
Step 1: Company Name Reservation
The promoter that wish to register their company names must first reserve their company name with the DBD via DBD website ( The reservation is normally approved within 3-7 days. Once the company name is approved, this shall be used in the incorporation documents needed for company registration.
希望註冊公司名稱的發起人必須首先通過 DBD 網站 ( 向 DBD 保留公司名稱。保留申請通常會在 3-7 天內核准。公司名稱核准後,將用於公司註冊所需的公司註冊文件。
Step 2: Filing the Memorandum of Association
A company can register the Memorandum of Association within 30 days from the date the registrar approves the reservation of the company name. The memorandum of association includes the company name, promoters’ names, company’s location and company’s finance and business objectives.
公司可以在註冊處核准保留公司名稱之日起30 天內註冊組織章程大綱。組織大綱包括公司名稱、發起人姓名、公司所在地以及公司的財務和目標業務。
Step 3: Prepare Documents
Prepare the following details for filing in the system:
1. The company name approved by officer with reservation detail
2. Head office and branch location
3. Details of 3 promoters or more
4. Details of Shareholder
5. Details of Registered Capital
6. Company Objectives
7. Details of Witnesses for company registration
8. Details of the company establishment’s meeting (must be the date prior to registration in the DBD e-Registration system)
公司成立會議的詳細資訊(必須是在 DBD 電子註冊系統中註冊之前的日期)
9. Details of the company's auditor and annual salary
10. Company establishment expenses
11. Director's authority to sign company documents (can be with or without company seal affix)
12. Company Seal Affix file (if any)
13. Company Map
Step 4: Notification of Approval or Amendment
After submitting on the system, the registrar will send the notification to your e-mail whether the application is approved or have to be amended around 1-3 working days (or maybe more).
If the registrar approved your application, then you have to log in for Electronic Signature. You must enter the password that you have registered in the identity verification process and request for OTP, after that you will receive OTP on your phone number, then fill in the system.
If not, then you have to amend according to comments of the registrar.

Step 5: Payment
You will need to submit the request for registration and payment of fees and after the payment is completed, DBD will email you the “Company Partnership Registration Certificate” within 3 days.
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