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Guidelines for Inter - Country Adoption of a Thai Child 泰國兒童跨國收養指南

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

1. It is necessary for the applicants to make adoption application through the competent social welfare authority in their country i.e the governmental organization which is responsible for Social Welfare (Competent Authority) or the non - governmental Child Welfare Organization which is licensed by their Government to handle the matter of Inter-Country adoption.


2. Under the Child Adoption Act of 1979 of Thailand, all Inter-Country adoption application have to be proceeded through the Department of Social Development and Welfare (DSDW: Competent Authority) or the non- governmental child welfare agencies (Authorized Agencies) which are particularly authorized by DSDW, in cooperation with the Competent Authority and under the direction of the Child Adoption Board of Thailand. The Board members comprise the representatives of various concerned authorities and qualified person. The Director General of DSDW is designated as the chairman of Anti - Trafficking in Women and Children, Department of Social Development and Welfare, functions as the secretary of the Board. Private Adoption is not allowed.

根據泰國 1979 年兒童收養法,所有跨國收養申請必須通過社會發展和福利部(DSDW:主管機關)或獲得特別授權的非政府兒童福利機構(授權機構)進行由 DSDW 與主管機關合作,並在泰國兒童收養委員會的指導下進行。董事會成員包括各有關當局的代表和有資格的人員。 DSDW主席被指定為社會發展和福利部反拐賣婦女和兒童事務主席,兼任董事會秘書。私人收養不被允許。

3. Preliminary qualification of applicants for adoption are as follows:


3.1 Be at least 25 years of age and be at least fifteen years older than the child to be adopted.

至少年滿 25 歲,並且至少比被收養的孩子大 15 歲。

3.2 Be eligible to adopt a foreign child under the concerned law of country of domicile.


3.3 Have legitimate spouse in case of applying as a family.


4. Adoption applications and documents, including those for adoption of step children or relatives have to be submitted by the Competent Authority to DSDW or Authorized Agencies. In this connection, the Competent Authority has to provide DSDW or Authorized Agencies with the three documents as follows:

收養申請和文件,包括收養繼子女或親屬的申請和文件,必須由主管機關向 DSDW 或授權機構提交。這方面主管機關必須向 DSDW 或授權機構提供以下三份文件:

4.1 A Home Study Report made by the Competent Authority which should be included of the applicants' physical and mental health, family status, assets, liabilities and financial standing, personal reputation, conditions of residence and surrounding, size of family maturity and ability to give love and care to the child, motivation and any special reasons related to the welfare and interest of the child, parental relationship and obligation with the children born out of previous marriages (if applicable), and other matters pertinent to the applicants.


4.2 A statement of approval made by the Competent Authority or the responsible authority as the case may be, confirming that the applicants are qualified for adoption under the concerned legislation in their country and are in all respects suitable to be the adoptive parents of a foreign child.


4.3 A Statement made by the Competent Authority agreeing to supervise the pre-adoption placement of a child in case such placement is granted to the applicants and to provide three bi-monthly progress reports to DSDW. The pre-adoption placement period is a probationary period of not less than six months.

主管機關發出的聲明,同意監督兒童的領養前安置,如果此類安置被授予申請人,並向 DSDW 提供三個雙月進度報告。領養前安置期為不少於六個月的試用期。

5. An official Adoption Application (Form AC.5) is to be filled out and returned by the applicants to DSDW or Authorized Agencies via the Competent Authority. Such completed Application has to be attached with the additional required documents, alien certificate and residence certificate as cited below:

正式的收養申請表(表格 AC.5)由申請人透過主管機關填寫並交還給 DSDW 或授權機構。填寫完整的申請表必須附上以下所需的其他文件、外國人證明和居留證明:

5.1 Copy of passport or identity card;


5.2 Copy of document certifying marriage or divorce (if any);


5.3 Medical certificate verifying good physical health and mental stability indication and the applicants' infertility (if any);


5.4 Document certifying occupation and income;


5.5 Document certifying current financial status (dating back not more than six months);


5.6 Document certifying asset;


5.7 Four photographs of the applicant and spouse (if any) size 4.5 x 6 centimeters, applicants' children and the home area and in house (photograph taken dating back not over than six months);

四張申請人和配偶(如有)尺寸為4.5 x 6 厘米、申請人的子女和家庭區域以及在家中的照片(拍攝時間不超過六個月);

5.8 Copy of law, regulation or document form relevant authorities of the country of domicile or residence of the applicant certifying the eligibility of the applicant to adopt a child;


5.9 Copy of law, regulation or document from relevant authorities of the country of domicile or residence of the applicant certifying the eligibility of an adopted child to enter into such country. The prospective parents should check with their immigration authority of a child's entry visa before applying especially in the case of Relative Adoption;


5.10 Letter of consent for adoption from the applicants' spouse or an approval order of the court in lieu of the spouse's consent (if any);


5.11 Copy of work permit of alien (if any); and work contract;


5.12 References certifying the suitability of the applicants for adoption from at least two persons;


5.13 Confirmation from the COMPETENT AUTHORITY or concerned authority that after the adoption is finalized under the Thai Law it will also be legalized under the concerned Law of the applicants' country when due;


5.14 Police check / Criminal check from the country of domicile and residence;


5.15 Biography of the applicants (if requested).


6. It is required that all of the documents have to be original and be verified by the Royal Thai Embassy or General Consulate in the applicants' country, or sent through diplomatic channels. Accordingly, please note that our official language is Thai. However, English is applicable. Therefore, the documents in other languages have to be attached with their translation which must be translated by authorized translator, either in Thai or English, which have to be verified by the Royal Thai Embassy or Consulate.


7. For the applicants who have lived temporarily in a foreign country where they do not have permanent residence, the Home Study Report will have to be made and their eligibility for Inter-Country adoption will have to be assessed and confirmed by the Competent Authority in their country of domicile. Unless the applicants have been living in that country for at least not less than 6 months before submitting their application and will remain in that country until the adoption is finalized, cooperation may be sought from the Competent Authority in the country where they have temporary resided. The Competent Authority may prepare the Home Study Report and supervise the pre - adoption placement when due. The eligibility for Inter-Country adoption may be confirmed by the Embassy of their country of residence in such country. Furthermore, the permission for the child to be adopted to enter the countries have to be confirmed to DSDW by the concerned authorities of both countries.

對於沒有永久居留權在外國暫時居住的申請人,必須製作家庭研究報告,且必須由本國主管機關評估和確認其跨國收養資格的住所。除非申請人在遞交申請前已在該國居住至少不少於6個月,並將在該國居留至收養程序完成,不然可請暫居地主管機關配合。主管機關可以準備家庭研究報告並在到期時監督收養前的安置。跨國收養的資格可由其居住國駐該國大使館確認。此外,被收養的兒童進入這些國家的許可必須由兩國有關機關向 DSDW 確認。

8. When all of required documents are received, in certain cases, they will be submitted to the Child Adoption Board of which, the results will be informed to the applicants through the Competent Authority whether or not they are approved as prospective adoption parents.


9. In case the application is processed through DSDW, the matching of the prospective adoptive parents with a child who is legally available for Inter-Country adoption, will be arranged by DSDW.

如果申請透過 DSDW 處理,DSDW 將安排準養父母與合法可跨國收養的孩子進行配對。

10. In case the adoption application is processed through the Authorized Agencies, DSDW is entitled to review and investigate (if needed) the background of the child to be confirmed that the child is legally available for Inter-Country adoption. This investigation will have to be done before submission the case to the Child Adoption Board.

如果通過授權機構處理收養申請,DSDW 有權審查和調查(如果需要)孩子的背景,確認孩子可以合法地進行跨國收養。這項調查必須在將案件提交給兒童收養委員會之前完成。

11. After matching and the Board' approval, photographs and information about background and health condition of the child will be sent through the Competent Authority to the prospective adoptive parents for consideration.


12. In case the prospective parents accept the child, the case will be further submitted to the Child Adoption Board and the Director General of the Department of Social Development and Welfare respectively for approval of pre - adoption placement either in Thailand or aboard. In case the prospective adoptive parents living abroad, the case will be accordingly submitted to the Minister of the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security for a permission to take the child out of the kingdom for the purpose of arranging its adoption.


13. In case the pre-adoption placement is approved, a definite appointment will be made by DSDW through the Competent Authority in such countries for both of the prospective adoptive parents to travel to Thailand in order to meet with and be interviewed by the Child Adoption Board, and then to receive the child for pre-adoption placement. Please be advised the to receive the child for pre-adoption placement. Please be advised the according to the current Ministerial Regulation, both of the prospective adoptive parents have to travel to Thailand to collect child.

如果領養前安置獲准,DSDW 將通過這些國家的主管機關為準領養父母雙方做出明確任命,前往泰國與兒童領養委員會會面並接受面談,然後接收孩子進行收養前安置。請注意接收孩子進行領養前安置。請注意,根據現行的部長條例,準養父母雙方都必須前往泰國接孩子。

14. For children allocated by DSDW, DSDW will facilitate the issuance of documents necessary for travel of the child. Accordingly, the prospective adoptive parents should manage to stay on in Thailand for about two weeks for this purpose. The prospective adoptive parents have to be responsible for the expenses to be incurred by the traveling of the child to be adopted such as passport fee, air fares, transportation, and concerned medical fee etc.

對於 DSDW 分配的兒童,DSDW 將協助簽發兒童旅行所需的文件。故準養父母應設法為此目的在泰國停留約兩週。準養父母須承擔被收養兒童的旅行費用,如護照費、機票費、交通費、相關醫療費等。

15. For the second adoption of a Thai child, it could be possible to request with reasonable reason for DSDW social worker to escort the child to the country of the prospective adoptive parents. All the travel expenses to be incurred will be obligated by the prospective adoptive parents.

對於第二次收養泰國兒童,可以有合理理由要求 DSDW 社工護送孩子到準養父母的國家。所產生的所有旅費將由準養父母承擔。

16. Upon returning to their country, the prospective adoptive parents are requested to report to the Competent Authority in order that the supervision of the pre-adoption placement of the child could be commenced.


17. When at least three bi-monthly report on the pre-adoption placement have been received and if the placement case to the Child Adoption Board for approval of finalization of such adoption under the Thai Law by registration.


18. It is obligated that the prospective adoptive parents have to register their adoption under Thai Law within the period of six months after acknowledging such notification. The registration can be carried out either at the respective Royal Thai Embassy or at a District Office in Thailand. The adoption is then finalized under Thai Law. After this, the legalization of the adoption under the concerned Law of the respective country shall be carried out, the outcomes of which shall be informed to DSDW by the Competent Authority.

準養父母有義務在收到此通知後的六個月內根據泰國法律登記收養。可以在各自的泰國皇家大使館或泰國的地區辦事處進行註冊,然後根據泰國法律完成收養。在這之後應根據各自國家的相關法律對收養合法化,其結果應由主管機關通知 DSDW。

19. Please be advised that it is not possible to apply for more than one child at one time, except twins, siblings for in the case of the adoption of the applicants and Thai spouse. Generally, children who are available for adoption will be between 6 months to 4 years old. Children who are older than 4 years old or have medical problem or handicapped are considered as special needs children. As regards the period of the processing an adoption application, it is not possible to specify such length. Nevertheless, in general cases, it approximately takes more or less than two years depending on such related factors i.e the completeness of the required documents as above - mentioned and the availability of a child to suit each individual family of the prospective adoptive parent.

請注意,申請人和泰國配偶領養的情況下,不能同時申請一個以上的孩子,雙胞胎、兄弟姐妹除外。一般來說,可被收養的兒童年齡介於 6 個月至 4 歲。 4 歲以上或有健康問題、或殘疾的兒童被視為特殊需要兒童。處理收養申請的期限無法具體說明。但在一般情況下,大約需要兩年或少於兩年的時間,具體取決於相關因素,即上述所需文件的完整性以及孩子是否適合未來準養父母的每個家庭。

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