Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Committee (“PDPC”) published a notification on the requirements for the appointment of a data protection officer (“DPO”) in the Government Gazette on 14 September 2023, which will become effective on 13 December 2023.
After hearing on the draft notification of DPO Appointment in July,[1] the published version has been slightly amended but the main criteria for appointment of a DPO are still the same. Following are key provisions:
1. When determining whether processing personal data requires regular monitoring due to its large-scale personal data, only the “core activity” of the data controller or data processor is being considered. The term “core activity” is an essential and integral activity directly related to the primary operations of the data controller or data processor, and does not include any supplementary business activities such as human resources and information technology activities.
在確定個人資料處理是否因擁有大量個人資料而需要定期監控時,僅考慮資料控制者或資料處理者的「核心活動」。 「核心活動」一詞為與資料控制者或資料處理者的主要營運直接相關的基本且完整的活動,不包括人力資源和資訊科技活動等任何補充業務活動。
2. Processing activities that require regular monitoring of personal data refers to activities relating to tracking, monitoring, analyzing, or predicting the behavior, attitude, or profile of individuals, and generally involves processing personal data in a systemic manner on a usual or regular basis. These include membership card programs, credit scoring, insurance premium consideration, fraud prevention, processing of personal data by computer network system service providers or telecommunications operators, behavioral advertising according to the requirements for the appointment of a data protection officer in the Government Gazette on 14 September 2023, number 5.
3. Determine whether processing activities constitute “large-scale processing of personal data”, there are many factors being considered according to the requirements for the appointment of a data protection officer in the Government Gazette on 14 September 2023, number 6:
Ø Number or proportion of data subjects whose personal data is processed, compared to the total number of potential data subjects
Ø Quantities, type, or characters of personal data processed
Ø Duration or permanence of the processing of personal data
Ø Scope or areas of the processing of the personal data
This version of the notification specifies that processing at least personal data of 100,000 data subjects is considered “large-scale processing of personal data.”
If the processing of personal data in core activities meets the above (2) and (3), the data controller or data processor must appoint a DPO to handle personal data protection-related matters. Such DPO can also perform other roles or duties if the data controller or the data processor who appointed such DPO warrants to the PDPC for such roles or duties of the DPO not to conflict with his DPO duties as required under the PDPA.
若核心活動中的個人資料處理符合上述(2)和(3),資料控制者或資料處理者必須指定DPO處理個人資料保護相關事宜。如果任命DPO的資料控制者或資料處理者向PDPC保證 DPO的角色或職責與PDPA規定的DPO職責不衝突, DPO 還可以履行其他角色或職責。
[1] Please refer to the article “Draft Notification on Data Protection Officer Appointment is Released in Thailand” at
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