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Property Division When Having Divorce in Thailand 泰國離婚的財產分配

Once you have registered marriage in Thailand, the property is considered jointly shared with your spouse. When filing a divorce, if there is no prenuptial agreement, all property gained during the marriage between you and your spouse should be divided equally.[1] This part is one of the most difficult issue which involves disagreement and negotiation, sometimes it will take place in court.


On top of that, we would like to introduce two legal terms in Thai language, one is Sin Suan Tua, another is Sin Somros. Sin Suan Tua means personal non-marital property of husband or wife, which isn’t jointly property; whereas Sin Somros means marital property. One thing you should be aware is in case of doubt as to whether a popery is Sin Somros or not, shall be presumed to be Sin Somros.[2]

另外我們需要介紹兩個泰文詞彙,一個是Sin Suan Tua、另一個是Sin Somros。Sin Suan Tua是指個人非婚姻的財產、不是共有財產;Sin Somros是指婚姻財產。需要注意的是,如果無法斷定是否此財產為 Sin Somros 與否,都會推斷為Sin Somros。

To explain further, Sin Suan Tua (personal non-marital property) is[3]

進一步說明,Sin Suan Tua (非婚姻財產)是

  • Property gained before marriage

婚前得到的 財產

  • Property of personal use or for profession

個人使用或職業上 的財產

  • Property acquired by spouse during marriage through a will or gift

婚姻中配偶贈與 的財產

  • Property given by a man to his fiancée as evidence that the marriage shall take place


And Sin Somros (marital property) is[4]

Sin Somros (婚姻財產)是

  • Property acquired during marriage

婚姻中獲得的 財產

  • Property acquired by either spouse during marriage through a will of gift made in writing if it is declared by such will or document of gift to be Sin Somros

夫妻的一方經書面宣告被贈的Sin Somros財產

  • Fruits of Sin Suan Tua

Sin Suan Tua產生的孳息

Therefore, when it comes to property division, the husband and wife have to decide what is considered as personal belongings and what is considered as martial property.


[1] Section 1533 under Thai Civil and Commercial Code

[2] Section 1474 under Thai Civil and Commercial Code

[3] Section 1471 under Thai Civil and Commercial Code

[4] Section 1474 under Thai Civil and Commercial Code

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