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Thai Government provides Male Government Officials with 15 Days Paternity Leave Allowances 泰國男性政府僱員

Thai Government decides to broaden paternity leave period for male government officials allowing them to have 15 days paid leave after child’s birth. This change was part of Government Employees Executive‘s announcement for government employee benefits which was signed on June 6, 2023 by Thai Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam.

泰國政府決定延長男性政府僱員的陪產假期限,允許他們在孩子出生後享受 15 天的帶薪休假。這一變化是泰國副總理威薩努於 2023 年 6 月 6 日簽署的政府僱員執行委員會政府僱員福利公告的一部分。

According to the announcement, male employees who want to take 15-day paternity leave must notify their supervisors within 30 days after the child’s delivery day. Once receiving the notice, the supervisors have full authority to require evidence from male employees. In addition, for male employee who want to take leave after 30 days of child’s birth, can take leave without pay for 15 days, unless their supervisors’ approval to provide full pay, which has been amended by the announcement of the Government Personnel Administration Committee Regarding the benefits of government employees, issue 4, 2023.

根據公告,男性員工如需請15天陪產假,必須在孩子生產日後30天內通知其主管。一旦接到通知,主管有權要求男性員工提供證據。此外,在孩子出生超過30天如果男性員工想請假,可以無薪休假 15天,除非他們的主管核准提供全薪。此為2023年第4期根據政府人事管理委員會關於政府僱員福利的公告進行修訂。

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