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Kit Amatyakul

The Board of Investment (BOI) Approves USD 2 Million Investment in Thailand 泰國投資委員會批准200萬美元投資

On 1 November 2024, the Thailand Board of Investment (“BOI”) approved new investments worth 66.9 billion bath (USD 2 million) in electronics manufacturing and data centers, the reconduction of several investment promotion packages, and relief measures for promoted companies affected by recent floods in the country’s north and northeast regions.

在2024 年11 月1 日,泰國投資委員會(“BOI”)核准價值669 億泰銖(200 萬美元)的新投資,涉及電子製造和資料中心、重新實施多項投資促進計劃,以及針對受到影響的促進公司的紓困措施。


In addition, the BOI has extended 4 investment promotion packages until the end of 2025 that initially required applications for promotion to be submitted by the end of 2024, which are:



1.         Retention & Expansion Program: To encourage existing large companies to continue using Thailand as a production base and to expand their investments in the country. 

保留和擴展計劃: 鼓勵現有大企業繼續以泰國為生產基地,擴大在泰國投資。

2.         Relocation Program: To encourage the relocation of businesses to Thailand in a comprehensive manner, including manufacturing facilities, regional offices (RHQ), and R&D centers.

搬遷計劃: 鼓勵企業全面遷往泰國,包括生產設施、區域辦事處(RHQ)和研發中心。

3.         Investment Stimulation Measure for Economic Recovery: To stimulate large-scale projects to make real investments in the next 1-2 years.

經濟復甦的投資刺激措施: 刺激大型專案在未來1-2年內進行實際投資。

4.         Investment Promotion Measure to Upgrade Automotive Industry: To stimulate and support the automotive industry in adopting automation systems or robots to improve production efficiency.

汽車產業升級投資促進措施: 刺激和支持汽車產業採用自動化系統或機器人以提高生產效率。


The applications filed during January 2023 to September 2024 under the 4 incentive packages represented a combined investment value of more than 650 billion baht. Some of the measures, all placed under the 5-year investment promotion strategy (2023-2027), were also adjusted to reflect the current investment situation.



As part of the revisions, the minimum actual investment required to apply for benefits under the Investment Stimulation Measure for Economic Recovery has been increased from the original 1 billion baht to not less than 2 billion baht.



Moreover, BOI approved relief measures to help promoted companies which have been affected by the recent floods in Thailand. According to the BOI’s initial survey of businesses damaged by the floods in the North and the Northeast regions, at least 6 promoted companies in the agricultural and food and light industries sectors were affected. To alleviate the impact and help to restore to normal operations as soon as possible, the companies will be granted an import duty exemption on machinery they would need to replace equipment damaged by the floods, and a deduction of machinery and raw materials that were damaged or lost.



Furthermore, BOI is planning to launch measures to ease the sting for multinational investors based on a new government tax planned for foreigners. Under a new law being drafted by the Revenue Department, individuals residing in Thailand for 180 days or more must pay personal income tax on overseas earnings, no matter whether that income is brought into Thailand.

此外,BOI還計劃根據針對外國人的新政府稅收計劃,採取措施緩解跨國投資者的困境。根據稅局正在起草的一項新法律,在泰國居住 180 天或以上的個人必須就海外收入繳納個人所得稅,無論此收入是否進入泰國。


Mr. Narit, secretary-general of the BOI did not elaborate on the measures that the BOI plans to implement, but the BOI is taking with the Finance Ministry and other state agencies on the new tax.


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