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The Cybercrime Decree was Published and Entered into Force in Thailand 泰國發布網路犯罪法令並生效

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

The Royal Decree[1] on Measures for Protection and Suppression of Technology Crimes B.E. 2566 (2023) (“Cybercrime Decree”) was published in the Government Gazette on 16 March 2023, and has become effective the following day, which was 17 March 2023. The Cybercrime Decree provides a new legal tool to interrupt the money-laundering process and aims to crack down on cybercrime perpetrators and scammers by providing stronger legal measures applying to certain types of offenders that had not been sufficiently covered by existing laws.

關於《佛曆2566年(2023)保護和制止技術犯罪措施的皇家法令》(“網路犯罪法令”)於 2023年 3月16日發布在政府公報上、並於次日生效。《網路犯罪法令》提供一個新的法律工具來阻止洗錢過程,旨在透過針對現有法律尚未充分涵蓋的某些類型的犯罪者提供更強有力的法律措施來打擊網路犯罪者和詐騙者。


The Cybercrime Decree defines “technology crime” as the act of committing, or attempting to commit, an offence to extort or retrieve an individual's property, or otherwise, to damage another person, or to commit a fraud, using a computer system as a tool.



This new legislation provides victims the right to request online payment platforms and commercial banks to freeze suspicious transactions, to which platforms and banks must comply. Additionally, banks, platforms, and other service providers are required to share data to help prevent and suppress cybercrime.



Below are details of the Cybercrime Decree:



Freeze the Transactions


The Cybercrime Decree requires commercial banks and online payment platforms to temporarily freeze (for 72 hours) of any related transactions of the account holders when receiving an alert from the account holder that he or she is the victim of cybercrime. Victims can report the illicit transactions by phone or electronic methods. If it is by phone, the relevant bank or platform must record the call.



The victim must file a police complaint regarding the illicit transaction within 72 hours when the freeze is being made. Police inquiry officer will notify the bank or platform about the complaint, and the transaction freeze must be maintained for 7 days from the filing of the complaint to the police. The police will determine whether it is necessary to keep the transaction frozen for more than 7 days. If the 7 days lapse without a further order to freeze the transaction, it can be unfrozen.

受害者必須在凍結期間 72 小時內就非法交易向警方提出投訴。警方調查人員會將投訴通知銀行或平台,交易凍結必須自向警方提出投訴起維持7 天。警方將決定是否需要將交易凍結7天以上。如果7天後沒有進一步下令凍結交易,則可以解凍。


Furthermore, commercial banks and online payment platforms must freeze for 7 days of any suspicious illicit transactions they find, and inform the relevant authority and other related banks and payment platforms. If the authority does not reply with an order to continue freezing the transaction, the bank or platform must unfreeze the transaction after 7 days have passed.



Share Information with Cybercrime Investigators



The Cybercrime Decree imposes a new obligation on commercial banks, online payment platforms, and telecommunications and other service providers to share with authorities, by a new designated system, information on any account or transaction suspected of being related to the commission of a cybercrime. These parties must also share such information with the Royal Thai Police, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), and the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) for their use in protection against and suppression of cybercrime.

《網路犯罪法令》對商業銀行、線上支付平台以及電信和其他服務提供者規定一項新義務,即透過新的指定係統與當局分享涉嫌與網路犯罪相關的任何帳戶或交易的資訊。這些各方還必須與泰國皇家警察、特別調查部 (DSI) 和反洗錢辦公室 (AMLO) 分享此類資訊,以用於防範和制止網路犯罪。


The Cybercrime Decree also allow new authority to the Royal Thai Police, DSI, and AMLO to issue orders compelling telecommunications and other service providers to provide cybercrime-related user registration information and computer traffic data.

《網路犯罪法令》還賦予泰國皇家警察、DSI 和 AMLO 新權力,可以發布命令,迫使電信和其他服務提供者提供與網路犯罪相關的用戶註冊資訊和電腦流量資料。


New Offenses



The Cybercrime Decree prohibits people from allowing their bank account or telephone number to be used for commission of a crime, and it criminalizes facilitating the use of bank accounts or telephone numbers in commission of crimes. Penalties for these offenses include imprisonment from two to five years, a fine from THB 200,000 to THB 500,000, or both.

《網路犯罪法令》禁止人們使用其銀行帳戶或電話號碼實施犯罪,並將協助使用銀行帳戶或電話號碼實施犯罪定為刑事犯罪。這些罪行的處罰包括最高五年的監禁、最高 50 萬泰銖的罰款,或兩者併罰。

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