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Update Criteria for Foreign Ownership of Lands in Thailand 泰國外國人擁有土地的最新標準

Recently, the Land Department of Thailand has updated the criteria for allowing foreigners to own land in Thailand. The criteria was announced on the department’s website. The following are details of the latest criteria:



Foreigners can hold lands in Thailand in 3 ways:



Inheritance: Foreigners who are the legal heirs of foreigners permitted to hold land, can inherit the land holding according to Section 93 of the Land Code. 

In order to acquire land, approval from the minister is required. However, the total amount of land, including what is already owned, must not exceed the limit specified in Section 87 of Land Code, 1954.




為了獲得土地,需要得到部長的批准。然而,土地總量(包括已擁有的土地)不得超過《1954年土地法》第 87 條規定的限制。


However, the inheritance must comply with the land-holding law or criteria for land holdings by foreigners.



For example, the heirs can inherit no more than 1 rai (0.160 hectare) of land for industrial use, or no more than 10 rai (1.60 hectare) of land for agricultural use and the use must comply with the permission given to the relatives they inherit the land from. Land cannot be used for other purposes according to Section 89 of the Land Code. If it is to be used for a new purpose, permission must be obtained from the minister each time.

例如,繼承人可以繼承不超過 1萊 (0.160 公頃)的工業用地,或不超過 10萊 (1.60 公頃)的農業用地,並且使用必須遵守其親屬的許可。根據《土地法》第 89 條,土地不得用於其他目的。如果要用於新的目的,每次都必須獲得部長的許可。


Buying land: Purchase 1 rai of land for building a residence if they invest at least 40 million baht in Thailand according to Section 96 bis of the Land Code.



The department noted that the type of investment must be deemed as beneficial to Thailand’s economy and society or must be among types of businesses promoted by the Board of Investment. The investments should be sustained for at least three years and the residential area bought by foreigners must be situated in Bangkok, Pattaya, or any other municipality.



Land transfer: Foreigners can receive land transfer in accordance to other laws, such as the Investment Promotion Act of 1977 (B.E. 2520). 

For example, under Section 16, businesses that the Board may promote for investment must be significant and beneficial to the country's economy, society, and security. This includes businesses that produce goods for export, those that require high levels of capital, labor, or services, or those that use agricultural products or natural resources as raw materials. The Board must also determine that such businesses either do not exist in the kingdom, are insufficient, or utilize outdated production methods.

土地轉讓:外國人可以根據其他法律獲得土地轉讓,例如 1977 年《投資促進法》(佛曆2520)。

例如,根據第 16 條,投資委員會可以促進投資的企業必須具有重大意義並且對國家經濟、社會和安全有利。這包括生產出口商品的企業,需要大量資本、勞力或服務的企業,或使用農產品或自然資源作為原料的企業。投資委員會還必須確定此類企業在泰國中不存在、不足、或使用過時的生產方法。


The department warned that Thai nationals, who act as nominees holding land for foreigners, could face a maximum jail term of three years, or a maximum fine of 6,000 baht, or both. On the other hand, foreigners guilty of acquiring land unlawfully face a maximum daily fine of 20,000 baht and/or a maximum jail term of two years.

該部門警告說,作為代理人為外國人持有土地的泰國國民可能面臨最高三年監禁,或最高 6,000 泰銖罰款,或兩者併罰。另一方面,非法取得土地的外國人將面臨每日最高 20,000 泰銖的罰款和/或最高兩年的監禁。

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