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Update on Cannabis Law in Thailand 泰國大麻法新訊

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

All parts of the cannabis plant have been delisted since 9 June 2022 according to the Narcotics Code, there has been an explosion of cannabis dispensaries operating in Thailand. More than 12,000 cannabis dispensary licenses to businesses in Thailand have been issued by the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine (DTTAM). Such license allows a dispensary to sell cannabis flowers legally. Also, the cooperation of dispensaries in submitting monthly reports about the sourcing, selling, and inventory of cannabis flowers is being requested by the DTTAM. The selling license of dispensaries that fail to submit these reports may be suspended by DTTAM.

根據《麻醉品法》,自2022年6月9日起,大麻植物的所有部分均已除名,泰國經營的大麻藥房呈爆炸式增長。泰國傳統和替代醫學部 (DTTAM) 已向泰國企業頒發超過12,000個大麻藥房許可證。許可證允許藥房合法銷售大麻花。此外,DTTAM 還要求藥房合作提交有關大麻花採購、銷售和庫存的月度報告。未能提交這些報告的藥房的銷售許可證可能會被DTTAM暫停。

However, the enactment of the laws and regulations pertaining to cannabis seemed to be drastically winding down. One of the reason was that Thailand had delays in the process of forming a new government following the general election of 14 May 2023. These delays dampened Thailand’s thriving cannabis industry.


The industry has concerns about the uncertainty of the nascent cannabis law. The Narcotics Control Division of the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) posted the Draft Regulation Re: Application for Approval and Approval for Manufacture, Importation, Exportation, Distribution or Possession of Narcotics under Category 5 (Extracts from Cannabis or Hemp Plants Only) on 11 August 2023. This may be the first regulation that the newly formed government implements with regard to cannabis extracts. Unlike the DTTAM’s enforcement activities, the Thai FDA requests that a domestic manufacturer, importer, exporter, or seller of cannabis extracts apply for a license.

業界對新生大麻法的不確定性感到擔憂。泰國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 麻醉品管制處於 2023年 8月11日發布關於第5類麻醉品(僅限大麻或大麻植物提取物)的核准申請和製造、進口、出口、分銷或擁有麻醉品的申請和核准的法規草案。這可能是新成立的政府針對大麻提取物實施的第一項法規。與 DTTAM 的執法活動不同,泰國 FDA 要求大麻提取物的國內製造商、進口商、出口商或銷售商申請許可證。

The Thai FDA, as the authority, will consider granting a license according to Article 5 of the Draft Regulation Re: Application for Approval and Approval for Manufacture, Importation, Exportation, Distribution or Possession of Narcotics under Category 5 (Extracts from Cannabis or Hemp Plants Only) on 11 August 2023 only in the following cases:

泰國 FDA 作為主管機構,依據2023年 8月11日關於第5類麻醉品(僅限大麻或大麻植物提取物)的核准申請和製造、進口、出口、分銷或擁有麻醉品的申請和核准的法規草案第5條規定,僅在以下情況下才會考慮授予許可證:

Ø For medical benefits;


Ø For commercial or industrial benefits;


Ø For the benefit of medical or scientific analysis or research;


Ø For use by the government for preventing and suppressing narcotics-related offenses.


However, currently, there is a restriction period of five years in place, limiting the importation of cannabis extract to cases 3 and 4 in the above list. Please be noted that there are some limitations for legal entity that applies for a license according to Article 10 of the Draft Regulation Re: Application for Approval and Approval for Manufacture, Importation, Exportation, Distribution or Possession of Narcotics under Category 5 (Extracts from Cannabis or Hemp Plants Only) on 11 August 2023 as follows:

然而,目前有五年的限制期,大麻提取物的進口僅限於上述清單中的案例3和4。請注意,依據2023年 8月11日關於第5類麻醉品(僅限大麻或大麻植物提取物)的核准申請和製造、進口、出口、分銷或擁有麻醉品的申請和核准的法規草案第10條規定,申請許可證的法人實體有一些如下限制:

Ø The entity must obtain corporate registration under Thai law;


Ø The authorized signatories binding the legal entity (authorized directors) must have Thai nationality with an age of at least 20 years old;


Ø If the entity is a limited company, it must have Thai shareholders holding at least 51% of the total number of shares; for legal entities in other categories at least two-thirds of the partners must be Thai nationals;


Ø The entity must have a physical office located in Thailand.


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