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Kit Amatyakul

What You Should Know About Copyright of Using People’s Image on TV in Thailand 您應該了解泰國電視上使用人物影像的著作權


It is often to see ourselves or our work on TV, but there are some important legal issues to take into consideration. For example, people’s images may appear on the TV screen during TV shows like game shows. It comes to us that whether unauthorized use of another person’s image in a television show gives rise to potential copyright infringement claims under Thai copyright law.



Whether this situation is legal or not contains two separate legal connects (1) copyright and (2) the right of publicity. Each right has its own requirement.



Thai Copyright


According to Section 4 of Thai Copyright Act, photographs are protected. The ownership of photographs may depend on specific factors, such as employment, whether licensing agreement exists, whether photograph was commissioned, and so on. Also, according to Section 21, “Copyright in a photographic work, an audiovisual work, a cinematographic work, a sound recording, or a sound and video broadcasting work endures for fifty years from the authorship, provided that if the work is published during such period, copyright endures fifty years as from the first publication.”

根據泰國《著作權法》第 4 條,照片受到保護。照片的所有權可能取決於特定因素,例如聘僱、是否存在許可協議、照片是否為委託拍攝等等。另外,根據第21 條,“攝影作品、視聽作品、電影作品、錄音製品、音像廣播作品的著作權自作者身份起計算50年,但如果該作品在該作品發表期間出版,該作品的著作權自首次出版起有效。”


Types of Copyrighted Works


Copyrighted works fall into nine categories, including:



(1)   Literary works: such as books, articles, poems, and computer programs


(2)   Dance: such as choreographic movements that create a narrative


(3)   Artistic works: such as paintings and photographs


(4)   Musical works: including melodies or lyrics and melodies


(5)   Audiovisual materials: such as karaoke VCDs

視聽資料:如卡拉OK VCD

(6)   Films


(7)   Sound recordings: such as music CDs


(8)   Broadcasting works: such as television programs


(9)   Other works in the fields of literature, science, or art: such as body art



Works Not Protected by Copyright Law


The following do not qualify as copyrighted works:



(1)   Current news and factual information that are merely informational, unless the information has been organized in a way that qualifies as a literary work, such as news analysis or articles; in that case, the work may be protected as literary work


(2)   Constitutions and laws


(3)   Regulations, announcements, orders, or other responses from government agencies


(4)   Judgments, orders, rulings, and reports from governmental authorities


(5)   Translations and compilations of items under points 1) to 4) that are prepared by ministries, departments, or other governmental or local agencies

由部會、部門或其他政府或地方機構準備的第 1) 至 4) 項的翻譯和彙編

(6)   Ideas, procedures, methods, systems, processes, concepts, principles, discoveries, scientific theories, or mathematical theories




Acquisition of Copyright


Copyright rights arise immediately upon the creation of a work by the creator without the need for registration. Therefore, copyright owners should protect their rights by collecting evidence that demonstrates their creation of the work, for the purpose of proving their rights or ownership in the future.


However, notifying the Department of Intellectual Property about copyright does not certify the rights of the copyright owner in any way; it simply informs the government agency that the notifier claims ownership of the copyright in the work specified. The notifier must certify that they are the owner of the work being reported, and the certificate issued by the Department of Intellectual Property does not confirm that the notifier is the copyright owner.


In the event of disputes regarding copyright ownership, it is necessary to rely on the judgment of the court, which will consider the facts on a case-by-case basis.



Who Owns the Copyright


The individuals who are copyright owners include the following:



(1)      The creator who originates the work independently without copying someone else's work, which may also include co-creators


(2)   The creator as an employee or contractor (unless otherwise agreed in writing)


(3)   The employer in cases where a person is commissioned to create the work (unless otherwise agreed)


(4)   The person who adapts, compiles, or integrates the work with permission from the copyright owner


(5)   Government ministries, departments, or other governmental or local agencies when they commission or control the work


(6)   The assignee of copyright



The owner of copyright has the exclusive rights of:



(1)   reproduction or adaptation;


(2)   communication to the public;


(3)   letting for hire of the original or the copies of a computer program, an audiovisual work, a cinematographic work and a sound recording;


(4)   giving benefits accruing from the copyright to other persons;


(5) licensing the rights mentioned in (1), (2) or (3) with or without conditions, provided that the said conditions shall not unfairly restrict the competition.



Therefore, copyright owner’s exclusive rights may be violated when the visual image, which is copyrighted work, is displayed and reproduced on television without authorization from the copyright owner.



Nevertheless, there is an exception under Section 39, “A photographing or a cinematographing or video broadcasting of work of which an artistic work is a component, shall not be deemed as an infringement of copyright in the artistic work.” However, in order to qualify for this exception, the use of others’ images on television shows must strictly meet the following conditions:

然而,第 39 條有一個例外,“對包含藝術作品的作品進行攝影、拍攝或視頻廣播,不得視為侵犯該藝術作品的著作權。”然而,為了獲得這一例外的資格,在電視節目中使用他人影像必須嚴格滿足以下條件:


Ø  The photograph must not be reproduced or adapted from the original. This is because the exception under Section 39 is limited to photographing, filming, or broadcasting an image that constitutes an original artistic work.

照片不得複製或改編自原件。這是因為第 39 條規定的例外僅限於拍攝、拍攝或傳播構成原創藝術作品的影像。

Ø  The photograph itself must not be a work that infringes any other person’s copyright.


Ø  The photograph must be used as a component part of the principle action on a television show, not as an essential element of the show.



In general, permission is required if photograph to be used is considered a “substantial part” of the show. However, there is no explicit rule regarding how much of a work may be used without prior permission. Exactly what constitutes a “substantial part” will be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the show and the particular circumstances.

一般來說,如果要使用的照片被視為演出的“重要部分”,需要獲得許可。然而,對於未經事先許可可以使用作品的多少內容,並沒有明確的規定。究竟什麼構成 “實質部分”,將根據演出的性質和具體情況,根據具體情況進行考慮。


Right of Publicity


The right of publicity is an intellectual property right that protects against the misappropriation of a person's name, likeness, or other indicia of personal identity, such as nickname, voice, signature, likeness, or photograph, for commercial benefit.



There is no unified or dedicated regulatory framework for the right of publicity in Thailand. Ownership of the copyright in a photograph of a public figure belongs to the person who created the image, subject to the conditions that the photographic work must not be illegally created and must not be an unlawful work, which is contrary to the public order or good morals.



However, a public figure, or a private individual, whose image appears on TV currently has a reasonable expectation to the right of privacy, which is implied under the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. Furthermore, unauthorized use of an individual’s image could be claimed to violate Section 420 and Section 421 of the Civil and Commercial Code, if the person making the claim can prove that financial damage occurred due to the unauthorized exploitation of his or her image, which would be considered a wrongful act. 

然而,目前在電視上出現形象的公眾人物或個人對隱私權有合理的期望,這是泰國憲法所隱含的。此外,如果提出索賠的人能夠證明未經授權使用個人影像造成經濟損失,未經授權使用個人影像可能會被指控違反《民商法》第420 條和第421 條,這將導致經濟損失。

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