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What You Should Know About Social Security Benefits in Thailand 您應該知道的泰國社會保險福利

Kit Amatyakul

Social security in Thailand is regulated by Social Security Act. Started since April 1, 2002, an enterprise with one or more employees throughout the country must register with and contribute to Social Security Fund. Once registration, employees become “insured person” and enjoy benefits provided under this Act. Insured persons include an employee under section 33 Social Security Act, who is not younger than 15 years of age and not older than 60 years of age.

泰國社會保險依據社會保險法建立。自2002年4月1日起,企業於泰國境內有1名或以上員工須向社會保險基金註冊。註冊後員工為被保險人並享有社會保險法制定的福利。被保險人包括《社會保險法》第 33 條規定的年齡不低於 15 歲且不超過 60 歲的員工。

Social Security is the creation of a safety net for individuals with income who contribute to the Social Security Fund. It is responsible for spreading the risk that may arise from illness, childbirth, disability, death, child welfare, old age, and unemployment, ensuring access to healthcare and continuous income replacement.


Insured persons include:


1.         An employee under section 33, who is not younger than 15 years of age and not older than 60 years of age

第 33 條規定的員工,年齡不低於 15 歲且不超過 60 歲

Section 33 offers the most comprehensive level of coverage, including all of the protections listed above.

第 33 條提供最全面的保障,包括上面列出的所有保護。

The employer and employee split Section 33 contributions equally. As such, you’ll contribute 5% of your wages, which means a minimum payment of 83 Baht (if you earn 1,650 Baht) up to 750 Baht (based on a monthly salary of 15,000 Baht). The government makes an additional, smaller contribution.

雇主和員工平均分配第 33 條規定的繳款。因此,您將支付薪資的 5%,這意味著最低支付額為 83 泰銖(如果您的收入為 1,650 泰銖)、最高為 750 泰銖(基於月薪 15,000 泰銖)。政府支付額外、較小的款項。

2.         An employee under section 39, who is an insured person under section 33 having paid contributions for a period of not less than 12 months and ceases to be an insured person by ending to be an employee. If the employee wishes to continue to be an insured person, the employee must inform the Social Security Office within six months and submit a contribution to the fund within the 15th of the following month

第 39 條規定的員工,是第 33 條規定的被保險人,繳納不少於 12 個月的費用,並因不是員工而不再是被保險人。若員工希望繼續成為被保險人,員工必須在六個月內通知社會安全辦公室,並在次月15日內向基金繳款

Section 39 contributions are payable at a flat rate of 432 Baht per month (9% of an example monthly wage of 4,800 Baht). All protections available under Section 33, except unemployment insurance, are also granted under Section 39. If you subsequently work again for a Thai employer, you’ll be transferred back to Section 33.

第 39 條繳款的固定費率為每月 432 泰銖(例如月薪 4,800 泰銖的 9%)。除失業保險外,第 33 條提供的所有保護也均根據第 39 條。如果您隨後再次為泰國雇主工作,您將調回到第 33 條。

3.         Any other person who is not an employee under section 33 or section 39 may apply to be an insured person under section 40 by informing the Social Security Office

任何其他不屬於第 33 條或第 39 條規定的員工的人可以透過通知社會保險辦公室根據第 40 條申請成為被保險人

Unlike the other two categories, contributions and benefits are based on a tiered system.


The three contribution levels are: 三個繳款等級為:

Plan 1: 70 Baht per month 方案1:每月70泰銖

Plan 2: 100 Baht per month 方案2: 每月100泰銖

Plan 3: 300 Baht per month 方案3: 每月300泰銖

People who make Plan 3 contributions are eligible for higher levels of coverage.

Foreigners who are legally working in Thailand must also register with the Social Security Office and are entitled to the same benefits as Thai employees.

    繳款方案 3的人有資格獲得更高水準的承保。



Social Security Fund provides the following benefits:


1.         Sickness Benefits 生病福利

An insured person shall be entitled to non-occupational injury or sickness benefit when the employee has paid contributions for not less than three months out of the previous 15 months before the date of receiving medical services. The amount payable varies depending on the reason for an insured ill health.








Full coverage for medical treatment at a specified hospitalIf you’re not entitled to be paid from your employer while sick, you’ll receive 50% of your wages for up to 90 days (180 days/year)This rises to 365 days for ‘chronic’ diseases


如果您無權在生病期間從雇主收到薪資,您將在最多 90 天(180 天/年)內收到薪資的 50%

「慢性」疾病的期限增加到 365 天

Injuries and emergencies


As an outpatient at an hospital, the actual costs will be reimbursedAs an inpatient, you can claim up to 700 baht for room and meal costs and medical expenses incurred during the first 72 hours


作為住院患者,您最多可以申請 700 泰銖的病床費、餐費以及前 72 小時內發生的醫療費用

Treatment at private hospitals


For injuries and emergencies, outpatient fees are reimbursable up to 1,000 baht

Caps on inpatient reimbursements depending on the treatment required

針對受傷和緊急情況,門診費用最多可報銷 1,000 泰銖 


Dental treatment


Reimbursement of up to 900 baht /year is available for routine dental treatment. Higher limits are in place for dentures

例行牙科治療每年可報銷高達 900 泰銖。假牙有更高的限額

2.         Maternity Benefits 懷孕福利

An employee is entitled to maternity benefits provided that the employee has paid contributions for not less than five months within the last 15 months. The employee will receive 15,000 baht per childbirth for unlimited number of times. In addition, benefit includes five prenatal visits up to a maximum cost of 1,500 baht.

員工在過去 15 個月內繳交不少於 5 個月的保險費,有權享有生育津貼。員工每次分娩將獲得 15,000 泰銖,不限次數。此外,福利還包括5次產檢,最高費用為 1,500 泰銖。

Also, a female employee will receive maternity leave allowance of 50% of salary for a period of 90 days.


3.         Child benefits 兒童福利

An employee will be entitled to child benefits if contributions have been paid for not less than 12 months within 36 months.

若員工在 36 個月內繳交不少於 12 個月的保險費,有權享有兒童福利。

The employee will receive child allowance of 800 baht/month from the birth of child until the age of 6 years (maximum is 3 children).


4.         Unemployment benefits 失業福利

The exact benefits depend on why the insured person stopped working. The standard payments are as follows:






Loss of employment due to termination


A payment of 50% of the insured person previous wage for up to 180 days

支付被保險人之前薪資的 50%,最多 180 天

End of contract or resignation


A payment of 30% of the insured person previous wage for up to 90 days

支付被保險人之前薪資的 30%,最多 90 天

Natural causes (e.g. fires, earthquakes, storms)


A payment of 50% of the insured person previous wage for up to 180 days

支付被保險人之前薪資的 50%,最多 180 天


To claim unemployment benefits, you must register as unemployed and file a report online within 30 days. You can then submit a payment request at your local SSO, which can be done via money order or direct bank transfer.

要主張失業福利,您必須在 30 天內進行失業登記並線上提交報告。隨後,您可以在當地的 SSO 提交撥款請求,可以藉由匯票或直接銀行轉帳完成。

5.         Disability benefits 傷殘福利

An insured person will be entitled to non-work-related disability benefits when the insured person has paid contribution for not less than three months within the last 15 months.


If the insured person becomes disabled because non-work-related causes, the insured will be entitled to receive benefits for a rate and period as prescribed by the Medical Committee not exceeding 50% of the salary.


6.         Old age benefits 老年福利

An insured person aged 55 and above is entitled to old-age benefits if the person has contributed to the fund for not less than 180 months. They will receive an additional 1.5% of the 20% rate for every 12 months.

年齡55歲以上的被保險人,若繳費不少於180個月的保險費,有權領取退休金。他們將每 12 個月額外獲得 20% 稅率的 1.5%。

The benefit can be made in either monthly living allowances or lump sum payment.


7.         Death benefits 過世福利

If the insured person has died because of non-work-related causes and the insured person has paid contribution for a period of not less than one month within six months before the death, the individual will receive death allowance and funeral expenses 50,000 baht.


If the deceased made social security contributions for 10 years or more, compensation is 50% of their average yearly wage. If they had made between three and 10 years of payments, the benefit is 50% of their average wage for four months.

若亡者繳納社會保險10年或以上,補償金額為年平均薪資的50%。如果他們支付3 到 10 年的薪資,福利為他們四個月平均薪資的 50%。


However, please be noted that following persons or entities are not enforced by the Social Security Act:


Ø  Government officials 政府官員

Ø  Employees of foreign government and international organizations受雇於國外政府或國際組織

Ø  Employees working in foreign countries for Thai firms 在泰國企業的國外分部工作

Ø  Teachers at private schools 私校老師

Ø  Students who work for schools, universities and hospitals 在學校及醫院工作的學生

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