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What You Should Know About Starting Cannabis Business in Thailand 您應該知道在泰國建立的大麻相關業務

On February 9, 2022, Thai government passed a law that decriminalized specific parts and uses of cannabis plants. 120 days later, on June 9, 2022, this law became effective meaning that every part of the cannabis plant (leaves, stalks, stems, roots, seeds…) were removed from Category 5 of the narcotics list. This changes in legislation grants Thai the ability to produce, sell, and consume certain parts of cannabis for medical and health purposes, food consumption, and research purposes. The Ministry of Public even gave cannabis plants to Thai for home cultivations for medicinal purposes and to be used as an ingredient in cooking.

2022年2月9日,泰國政府通過一項法律,將大麻植物的特定部分和用途合法化。120天後,即 2022年6月9日,該法生效,表示大麻植物的每一部分(葉、莖、根、種子…)從第5類毒品清單移除。立法改變給予泰國人生產、銷售和消費大麻某些部分的能力,以用於醫療和健康目的、食品消費和研究目的。泰國公共衛生部甚至提供泰國人大麻植物用於家庭種植藥用,並用作烹飪原料。

In order to grow cannabis plants legally in Thailand, conditions are as follows:


Ø The grower must be at least 20 years-old;

種植者必須年滿 20 歲;

Ø The grower must not extract their cannabis into a product containing more than 0.2% THC (e.g. oil or edibles);

種植者不得將大麻提取到 THC 含量超過 0.2%的產品(例如油或食品);

Ø The grower must register through the FDA’s ‘Plook Gan’ application.

種植者必須通過泰國食品藥物管理局的“Plook Gan”申請進行註冊。

In addition, foreigners or foreign-owned companies cannot produce cannabis in Thailand. To grow cannabis, a foreign can either gain Thai citizenship or to incorporate a Thai limited company.


To gain Thai citizenship, foreigners should:


Ø be at least 18 years-old;

至少年滿 18 歲;

Ø have lived in Thailand as a Permanent Resident for at least five years before applying;


Ø have been living in Thailand for those years on the same type of visa that you have at the time of application;


Ø have a clean criminal record and are well-behaved;


Ø be employed in Thailand;


Ø can understand, speak, and be able to write the Thai language;


Ø can sing the Thai National Anthem “Sansern Phra Baramee”;

會唱泰國國歌 “Sansern Phra Baramee”;

Ø be acquire at least 50 points out of 100 on the Points Based System of obtaining Thai citizenship.

在獲得泰國公民身份的積分系統中獲得至少 50 分(滿分 100 分)。

However, if foreigners meet the following requirements, holding Thai citizenship are not required:


Ø be the spouse or child of someone who received their own Thai citizenship through naturalization;


Ø be the husband of a Thai wife and wife of a Thai husband;


Ø once held Thai citizenship;


Ø have acted in some way that is the benefit of Thailand.


On the other hand, to obtain license to produce, sell, and import cannabis, Thai nationals must hold at least 51% of the company shares, holding at least two third of the company capital and directorship must be owned by Thai.


Furthermore, to produce, grow, sell, import, and export cannabis, various licenses is required, otherwise there will be fine and imprisonment as punishment:


Ø Distribution of Plant Parts: If selling cannabis leaf, roots, and trunk, getting a license is not required. But distributing other parts of cannabis plants will require a license.


Ø Importation of Seeds: Importing cannabis seeds will require a license. However, importing other cannabis plants parts and hemp, including products such as instant products as food, cosmetics, and herbs are not allowed for importation.


Ø Distribution of Extracts: All cannabis parts or hemp plant, except for extracting from seeds, must obtain approval to produce extracts.


Ø Selling and Distribution of Products containing Cannabis: Products such as food, drinks, or cosmetics should not contain extracts more than 0.2% THC. Varying on the operations of the company, and authorization from Thailand Food and Drugs Administration may be required.

銷售和分銷含有大麻的產品:食品、飲料或化妝品等產品所含的 THC 提取物不得超過0.2%。因公司運作而異,可能需要獲得泰國食品藥品監督管理局的授權。

Ø Growing Cannabis: the reason for growing cannabis is required.


Though there are restriction of producing and selling cannabis, it is legal for any person, including tourists and foreigners to purchase cannabis in Thailand if they are at least 20 years old and not pregnant or breastfeeding.

儘管生產和銷售大麻有限制,但包括遊客和外國人在內的任何人在泰國購買大麻都是合法的,前提是他們年滿 20 歲並且沒有懷孕或餵奶。

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