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What You Should Know When Employee Is Retired in Thailand 您應該知道的泰國員工退休須知

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

In Thailand, an employer should know how to handle employees’ retirement; otherwise, it is easy to violate laws and regulations without awareness. Following is basic information about employees’ retirement in Thailand:


1. Is retirement at 60 years old in Thailand mandatory retirement?


Answer Generally, an employer in the private sector in Thailand do not have a fixed retirement age for their employees, but for the official sector, employees at the age of 60 must retire.

一般來說,泰國私營部門的雇主對員工沒有固定的退休年齡,但對公部門而言員工必須在 60 歲退休。

The labor law stipulates that employees receive severance pay after retirement even though the company does not specify the retirement age of employees. Employees are also entitled to severance pay under labor law.[1] In the following circumstances:


A. The employee's retirement is agreed by the employer and employee or is prescribed by the employer. It shall be deemed termination of employment in accordance of the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998).


B. In the event that the employer and the employee do not have an agreement or schedule for retirement or the retirement is agreed upon or scheduled for more than 60 years old. An employee who has reached the age of 60 years old or more has the right to declare his intention to retire by giving his/her intention to the employer and it shall take effect after thirty days from the date of the intention and the employer shall pay severance to such retired employee.

如果雇主和員工之間沒有退休協議或計劃、或者退休協議或計劃超過 60歲。年滿 60歲以上的員工有權向雇主表明退休意願,並自表明意願之日起30天後生效,雇主應支付這位退休員工資遣費。

Therefore, it can be concluded that if the company stipulates that employees who are 65 years old must retire, they can do so because that agreement does not contrary to the labor law in Thailand. However, employees aged 60 years and over have the right under the labor protection law to give notice of their intention to retire. The said intention will be effective after 30 days from the date of the employee's intention.

因此可以導出結論,如果公司規定65歲的員工必須退休,這樣是可以的因為此協議未違反《泰國勞工保護法》。但是依《勞工保護法》規定,60歲以上員工有權通知退休意願。前述意願自員工表明之日起30 天後生效。

2. If the employer refuses to pay termination compensation due to retirement, what will happen?


Answer If an employer refuses to pay severance pay to an employee upon retirement or fails to comply with Sections 118 and 118/1 under the Labor Protection Act, B.E. 2541 (1998), the employer will be guilty of a criminal law and will be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand baht or both. In addition, the employer is also guilty of civil law by which the employer pays the default interest on compensation at the rate of 15 percent per year, and in the case where the employer intentionally defaults without reasonable reason, the employer will have to pay additional fee of 15 percent every 7 days to employees.

如果雇主拒絕在員工退休時支付遣散費或未能遵守佛曆2541年(西元1998年)《勞工保護法》第118 條和第118/1 條的規定,雇主將觸犯《刑法》,將被處以不超過六個月的有期徒刑或不超過十萬泰銖的罰款,或兩者併罰。此外雇主也違反《民商法》,需每年以 15% 的利率支付違約賠償利息,且如果雇主未有適當理由故意違約,每7天需支付員工額外15%的費用。

[1] Section 118/1 of the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 (1998).

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